Boost Those Conversion Rates

Boost your conversion with the right tactics

If you want your business to be successful (and let’s be real… who doesn’t?), then it’s in your best interest to optimize your site’s conversion rates. After all, successful conversion rates have proven to be one of the most important key performance indicators (KPIs). 

“It’s much easier to double your business by doubling your conversion rate than by doubling your traffic.”  –  Jeffrey Eisenberg, author

 When you’re beginning to explore your site’s conversion rates, you’ll first want to establish what you’re actually going to monitor. Are these conversion rates based solely on sales, are they based on newsletter signups, or are you going to track some other important metric? Regardless of your choice, you’ll want to be tracking both a customer’s “happy track” and “unhappy track,” which will help you improve the entire customer experience. Once you’ve determined what you’re going to be measuring, you’ll want to research the proper tracking tools for your endeavor. This way, once you begin receiving results, you’ll be able to analyze everything in one place. You could also consider A/B testing to monitor different strategies. When it comes to sales-based conversion rates, there are a number of factors that can ultimately impact your results: 

Products Images

Product Images Customers will be turned off by a low-quality, pixelated image. Instead, focus on filling your site with interactive, high-quality photos. When it comes to the interactive aspect, you should provide customers with the ability to pinch, zoom, rotate… basically provide them with all the tools they need to appreciate your pictures. High resolution is often synonymous with high-quality photos. However, you can also boost the aesthetics by adding white space around the product photo and relying on as many different angles as possible. 

Product Description 

Nowadays, simply listing your products’ specs will not do. If you really want to boost conversions, you should add a personal, conversational touch to your product descriptions. Now, we’re not saying you should skimp on useful information in favor of a funny joke. However, a long, detailed description can be incredibly effective. However, by using a conversational tone, you can assure that the blurb is more digestible and easy to read. 

Product Videos 

Customers are quickly starting to value videos over written materials. Therefore, if you have the means, adding product videos to your website can help to boost conversions. These videos don’t only have to be about the products; you can also have video testimonials, a message from the product creator, and so much more. There are several additional factors that will be important in improving or destroying your conversion rates. Keep these questions in mind as you’re optimizing your site: 

  • Are you providing an air of trustworthiness to your customers? 
  • Is your website intuitive? Can customers easily find their desired product, and is it easy to complete the checkout process? 
  • Are your CTAs short, descriptive, and activating? 
  • Customers generally trust fellow shoppers… do you have product reviews? 
  • Do you have a way of pursuing those who abandoned their cart?