Boost Sales with Customization


“Real luxury is customization.” – Lapo Elkann, former CEO of Fiat Automobiles

Customers appreciate having the ability to play a role in the final version of their product. These customers will even be willing to spend some extra money if the process allows them to add their two cents. Fortunately, SPOD’s Create Your Own Tool can provide them with this ability, and this will vicariously help to boost your sales. 

For starters, these customers will pay a few extras dollars to purchase that personalized product. While you’ll effectively be “upselling” your buyers, you’ll also be providing them with the opportunity that they’re seeking. 

Secondly, the Create Your Own Tool will make it seem like your store is crammed full of unique products. In reality, you’ll be relying on SPOD’s premade designs, and you’ll then be turning to your customers to add a personal, customized flair to the product. 

Finally, adding a customization option to your Shopify store will boost sales. These unique products will diversify your current options, and they will also attract a whole new clientele. This includes those seeking large group orders, which will help to increase your overall sales ceiling.
